Ahlay teaches songs call & echo. Singing is a birthright and all levels of experience are welcome (including no experience). These songs are sung together collectively as invitations to move stagnated emotions in the body and to be in our bodies as we notice what arises for us as we sing together. Ahlay's song container invokes connection that serves as a catalyst to digest topics in our culture, and movements for collective liberation.
No matter your gender, sexual orientation, abilities, race, or housing status, you are welcome here.
Arrive and settle in: 6:30-7pm Song container: 7-9pm
Cost: $22-66 sliding scale Thank you for finding the sweet spot that's both generous & affordable for you! Your support covers ahlay’s travel and allows this medicine to keep serving the collective.
(( If this range is not accessible, please reach out -- no one will be turned away for lack of funds. ))
Children are welcome to attend (for free) and play on the periphery of circle / join the circle in singing (please be mindful of distractions).
Community care: This event is outdoors! Come without Covid symptoms. You are welcome to mask and distance to your own comfort level.
What will be provided: Water Hot water and tea Chairs Restroom facilities
What to bring: A water bottle and/or hot tea mug Any cushions, blankets, and layers to help your body feel comfortable
Contact your hosts: centerforbelongingfolkschool@gmail.com
ABOUT ARTIST: ahlay (alexandra blakely) is a dreamer of Whale, Tsunami, and Rain, an apprentice to Lightning and Fire, an artist, singer-songwriter, community organizer and soul guide in training. She is a descendent of Ashkenazi, Scandinavian and British folk and a commitment to breaking the cycles of intergenerational trauma both caused and endured by her ancestors. This commitment unfolds through the mediums of authentic relationship, song and storytelling, ritual and spell casting in ways that acknowledge our varied and intricate histories and identities, emphasizing a devotion to remembering our symbiotic relationship within the natural world.
ahlay has been deeply involved in community activism, communal grief tending and community singing. She is a lifelong student of decolonization, anti-racism and her own ancestral deracination preceeding diasporas. She gets curious about how the individual psyche, embodiment, shadow and trauma responses can be applied to collective and cultural bodies. She has trained with generative somatics, Education for Racial Equity, Animas Valley Institute, The Work that Reconnects, Holistic Resistance, Francis Weller and Laurence Cole. Her community singing albums encapsulate songs for the community to transform, ask questions, and seek to lead lives in service to the future ones. Her upcoming 2024 community singing album, WAILS: Songs for Grief was recorded in July 2023 with a choir of 200 voices.
To stay informed about her ongoing offerings, sign up for her monthly newsletter.